Board of Directors Approved 11/01/01

October 4, 2001

Present: Chesarek, Koch, Olsen, Fell, Brooks, Forristall, French, Gemmer, Varady, Capozzo, Sottana
Excused: Anthony, Bond
Guests: Dan Martini, Al Lavezzo, B.C. Kingsbury, John Sconza, Les Singer The meeting commenced at 6:40 p.m.

Fiancé Privileges - Martini
Martini made a second presentation on the topic of allowing member privileges to significant others. The issue has been forwarded to the Club's attorney for review.

Minutes of September 6, 2001
Fell motioned to approve, Gemmer seconded. The motion carried.

Treasurer's Report
The Board would like the Golf Committee to make a recommendation on increased green fees.

Membership Sales & Notations
The Board took note of one Notice To Sell and one reduction in the selling price of a membership. These notices will be effective Friday, October 5, 2001.

Greens: Discussion on long range plans for irrigation, greens and wells.

House: All artwork should be purchased by December 2001. Bids are being obtained for roman shades in the Terrace, discussion on placing a comment/suggestion/payment box in the Terrace.

Tennis: The committee responded to the Finance Committees inquiries on a tennis class of membership. At the Board's request, Varady will have a complete proposal for a tennis class of membership submitted to the Membership and By-law committees for approval and legal drafting. The legal draft will then be presented to the Board.


Transfer of a Membership to a Son or Daughter
September 2001, The Board of Directors requested Koch to draft a proposal for the transfer of a membership to a son or daughter. Varady motioned to approve the proposal which would allow members to take immediate advantage of this transfer. Koch seconded. The motion carried. See attached proposal.

Transfer of a Membership to a Son or Daughter - Kingsbury
Kingsbury requested consideration of a proposal to allow transfers of membership to a son or daughter on a one time only basis, subject to approval of the acquiring person by the Membership Committee and subject to the payment of a transfer fee of one-half the then minimum transfer fee as established from time to time by the Board. This process would be available only to those who are in good standing and have been "Members" for more than ten (10) years, subject also to a restriction that the Board approve no more than four (4) in any one calendar year.
Olsen motioned to forward this plan to the By-Laws Committee for drafting (with input by Club counsel, as necessary) of an amendment to the By-Laws and ultimately a presentation to the membership with a recommendation from the Board for approval. The membership would then vote on the matter. Fell seconded. The motion carried 4-Y / 3-N.
YES: Gemmer, Fell, Forristall, Olsen
NO: Varady, Koch, French

Long Range Financing Plan - Singer/Sconza

Singer and Sconza presented a ten year long range plan with financing options. They requested approval to promote the conceptual plan to the Club's committees and members with detailed explanations of each project. The Board agreed.
Additional C.I.F. funds: Story requested additional C.I.F. funds to complete the sand trap and driving range renovations and to purchase a used tractor. Forristall motioned to approve, Olsen seconded. Two opposed (Gemmer, Varady) the motion carried.

Notre Dame School: Varady motioned to approve a foursome of golf including carts to be used at their fundraiser held at GVCC. Gemmer seconded, the motion carried.

Member Letter: Requesting shrubs be planted to hide the view of the maintenance yard. The Board referred the request to Story.

The meeting adjourned at 10:10 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted

Jeff Olsen